Time Capsule

Canale Grande, Venezia
On one of the snow days in Istanbul, I dusted off my Holga camera that had been sitting in a drawer for almost a year, and shoved it in my bag as I went trekking around Vefa. It contained a half-finished roll that I'd long forgotten about. I couldn't remember the last time I'd taken the camera on a stroll and so was curious about what images it held inside. I finished off the roll during the snow fall and finally got around to getting it developed several weeks later. That's the beauty of the using analog film- the moments of anticipation and delayed gratification that it can bring. A friend pointed out that it seems contradictory to use analog film only to end up with a digital copy of the images, which is true, but the effects that occur are a result of using film instead of digital equipment in the first part of the process. 

Clicking on the images felt like opening a trunk in the attic to uncover artifacts from the past. And these particular images did reignite a memory for me. They were from a trip I'd taken to Italy in February of last year to visit my grandma and aunt in Udine. During my week there, I'd taken a day trip to Venice, where I'd once interned at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, and enjoyed a day of wandering through its entwined little streets rolling old memories in my mind like forgotten marbles in a desk drawer, and soaking in the city that looks like a stage set at every turn.  It was a day of gray skies and rain, but I savored my time alone to explore, steeped in my own thoughts. Finding my way back to Dorsoduro street by street, each turn revealing a new landmark that confirmed what the next turn would be. I found a restaurant I'd once eaten in with my dad, where each day a new menu was created based on the owner's mother's daily inspirations, and ate and read. I visited the PGC and the Francois Pinault Collection at Punta della Dogana, and just walked and walked, a pinball set in motion.  
Molla Gürani Camii
Santa Maria della Salute, Venezia

Santa Maria della Salute, Venezia

Santa Maria della Salute, Venezia

Street in Udine, Italy
Piazza San Giacomo, Udine
Cemetery near Molla Gürani Camii

Molla Gürani Camii

Molla Gürani Camii

Piazza San Giacomo, Udine


  1. These are seriously amazing shots!!!!! They look like they were taken in the 40s! Very cool

  2. Thanks, Mel! The Holga has potential for some really cool effects.


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